Meet Our New User Dashboard for Content Creators

In addition to being a platform for the creation and management of influencer marketing campaigns, Buzzoole provides a powerful analytics tool for bloggers, instagrammers, youtubers and a wide range of Content Creators who regularly produce and promote content across their social channels and want to improve its visibility.

Since launching 4 years ago, the proprietary technology that sits at the heart of Buzzoole has seen many advances, including the arrival of GAIIA, an artificial intelligence system developed by our R&D experts in Italy. As a result, Buzzoole is able to provide unrivalled analysis of the level of influence held by Content Creators like you and deliver these results via a new and improved dashboard that users will see from today when logging into Buzzoole. In order to protect our user’s privacy, these enriched insights will only be visible to them and to the brands with whom they agree to partner with on future campaigns.

Your influence at a glance: Overview & Influence Chart
Once logged into your profile you will be presented by an overview of your most relevant KPIs: total reach, engagement rate, geolocation and connected channels.

The Influence Chart shows the eight macro-categories in which you are most influential. The data can be split by channel or viewed in aggregate (all connected channels combined) by selecting a view from the drop-down menu. The percentages shown in the graph are calculated by analyzing and creating a benchmark across all the profiles present on the platform.

profile overview

Where are you most influential? Loved Brands & Sub-topics
Loved Brands are those that are mentioned most often by a Content Creator in a positive context. This is not a quantitative, but qualitative sentiment analysis of the positive mentions associated with the Brand.

Our Sub-topic cloud is a visual representation of the topics that received the most interactions from a Content Creator’s audience across all of their channels. Put simply, these are the topics that aroused the most interest from your audience.

Pro tip: this data can be very useful for understanding the topics that drive audience engagement and thus orienting your editorial plan.

Know your followers: Audience Analytics

In this section, you’ll find your Audience Analytics. These can be viewed as date in aggregate or split by channel. Notably, you have the ability to analyze your audience by geographic region, age range, gender and interests. Interests are based on actual user interactions with your content.

Pro tip: use this data to understand the tone of voice and topics that work best for your followers. For example: Is your audience between 18 and 24 years old? Use a fresh and informal style and focus your content on the latest trends in your niche.

audience analytics

Monitor your online performance: Performance Analytics & Channel Trends

Performance Analytics

This section shows individual channel performance for a selected time span (e.g. one month, two months, etc.) making it possible to analyze the growth of the following metrics: reach, engagement rates, engagement per post, total engagement and number of publications per day.

The Distribution Chart shows the channel split for each of the above-mentioned metrics.

Channel Trends
This chart provides a view of the channel performance over time.

Channel details

Pro tip: pay close attention to any spikes in performance and review the content published during this time frame. Knowing what worked well can help guide future content.

Channel Growth
This table provides a detailed view of the growth by channel and parameter within a defined time frame.

Go Visual: Content with greater engagement
Finally, we curate a visual overview of the posts that have generated the most engagement among your audience, allowing you to see some of your best performing content at a glance.

Pro tip: want to know which one of your selfies, sunset photos or branded posts worked best? Simply flick to this gallery.

Most engaging content

We are very excited about our new and improved Creator dashboard and we hope you are too! This powerful analysis tool is free to all Buzzoole influencers and we hope you will find it invaluable when it comes to understanding your online performance, honing your strengths as a Creator and building your audiences online.

Not signed-up to Buzzoole yet? Connect with one of your favourite social channels and see how influential you are!

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