Meet Our Rock Stars: The Geek!

Last week we started our Meet Our Rock Stars series, a weekly appointment with our team members across Buzzoole’s offices. Today we introduce our second rock star, Antonio PiconeAntonio is an Engineering Manager in the Naples IT team and his favourite thing about Buzzoole is the approach with which we face our daily challenges. In his spare time, Antonio works as a spinning instructor, enjoys mountain biking and music.

What’s your name and job title?

My name is Antonio Picone and I am an Engineering Manager at Buzzoole.

What do you do at Buzzoole?

I coordinate the development team and provide to developers on technologies and methodologies functional to the evolution of the technological platform and to the professional growth of the Buzzoole development team.

I analyze all requests for new platform features put forward by the product team and design the software architecture to support these requests. I also represent the development team in the coordination of efforts with other teams across the organisation.

What’s your favourite thing about Buzzoole?

The people and the approach with which we face our daily challenges: all united against same goal. We work hard, but we have a lot of fun doing it.

What would you say is the most valuable skill you have learned in your role/time at Buzzoole?

I reaffirmed my belief that a motivated team, with the right processes and clear organisation (but with the right level of flexibility required by our industry) can allow you to innovate, achieve amazing results and have fun at the same time.

If you had to describe Buzzoole in three words, what would they be?

I need four!

Work hard,

play hard.

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