Real Time Marketing during Thanksgiving Day

Brand marketers use social networks to promote and share deals during holidays and events like Thanksgiving Day, and can also determine the effectiveness of their advertising in real time. Thanksgiving Day is an important holiday for brands to be engaged with their audiences on every social media platform, wherever the trends are driving their attention.

Discount shopping, airline delays and overeating are undoubtedly going to be among the trending topics of the week. We can expect brands in those spaces to be engaging with their audiences at higher levels than usual.

Last year, for example, Instagram reported that over 10 million photos mentioned Thanksgiving-themed words in their captions on Thanksgiving day, with more than 200 photos posted every second. The company shared that it was excited to see the intimacy and immediacy of the Instagram experience over the holiday season. People celebrate Thanksgiving in real time, and brands need to be there engaging right alongside them.

Consumers interact with brands via social networks every day to gather information, share feedback, or advocate. Use the trends surrounding Thanksgiving as a moment to insert yourself into their conversations.

Here are some Thanksgiving real time marketing ideas for any brand marketer this year.

Use employees as real time marketing collateral

  • Employees can be an unbelievable compliment to your marketing strategy.
  • Have your employees share what they are thankful for on your company’s social networks or using a specific #hashtag.
  • Use these photos to create a Facebook album for post-Thanksgiving social action.

Be Thankful

  • #GiveThanks: Connect your brand to being thankful and find interesting ways to engage with consumers directly.
  • Does your company have a charity that it supports? Use this as an opportunity to support and engage with the charity’s social networks.

Engage with Thanksgiving events

  • Thanksgiving Day Parade: The live, nationally broadcasted event is certain to get real-time conversations going about favorite floats, marching bands and funny things. Follow along and engage with your audience! Why not live tweet the parade with funny commentary?
  • Football, football, football. Chances are, your employees and consumers are watching the big games on Thanksgiving (or hanging out with people who are). Find out who everyone is rooting for!
  • Travel: everyone is travelling somewhere on Thanksgiving – come up with some handy travel tips for your consumers, from air travel advice to car games for the long rides.

Since Thanksgiving Day is becoming more and more celebrated even in other nations than Canada and USA, it’s good to follow these trends and use this real time marketing strategies to connect with your followers and fans. During major holidays and events like Thanksgiving Day, conversations with your audience are expected to increase dramatically. The suggestion? Find your audiences, and connect with them in real time. But don’t forget to connect with them everytime, everyday, not just during holiday times!

Happy real time marketing, happy engagement!

Buzzoole Team

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