#BuzzCustomer: Interview with Simonluca Scravaglieri from Ceres

Word of mouth is the oldest form of commercial communication. Nevertheless, with the development of new technologies it has also become even more relevant and powerful.
In Buzzoole, we are convinced that buzz marketing is a key point of our customers’ web strategy and it affects in different ways on creating brand awareness, its loyalty and sales performance. This is why we have surveyed our best clients to explain in their own words, how through using Buzzoole, WOM marketing can help any brand to reach its business goals. Here is the testimony of one of our recent customers, Simonluca Scravaglieri, Brand Manager @ Royal Unibrew,
the company that manufactures and markets Ceres, that is not only the top beer brand,
but also a true legend!

Hello Simonluca! First of all, thank you for joining our series of interviews dedicated to Buzzoole clients! Secondly, congratulations on your digital strategy! It is not only a big success, but it is being studied in many communities of experts. Let’s start our interview with a typical question: what was the reason that you decided to run a campaign with Buzzoole?

We have a digital strategy that is focused on instant marketing, aimed to make the community talk to the brand rather than the brand talk to the community. During our first campaign, with the post about Berlusconi’s absolve, we wanted to go exactly in this direction: to leverage Buzzoole platform composed by real people who speak in an authentic way about Ceres’ creativity.
The results were outstanding.

Do you think that Ceres campaign has achieved its goals?

They really exceeded our expectations. The great strength of Buzzoole is the ability to export the creativity on the digital channels, which we weren’t using that time. I am referring especially to Twitter. During the first campaign, we hadn’t have an account yet, but despite it, the largest part of social shares was conveyed by tweeting rather than Facebook posts.

You have already had nine campaigns with us; what made you decide to plan another one?

The platform’s ability to expand the buzz, leaving the storytelling initiative to the community. Buzzoole is a very different tool (either thanks to its modality of use and its outcomes) than any other traditional channel for influencers. In addition, the possibility of having constant monitoring of the content produced by influencers and of the advancements of reach, were key factors of choosing Buzzoole as a business partner for our major campaigns.

You have adopted a communication style that is ironic and often irreverent, connected to tease aspects of Italian life. However, you always insert a reference to the product. A strategy based on branded content and instant marketing. How have Buzzoole managed to add extra value to your marketing activities?

The added value lies on the ability of the platform to reach influencers able to become storytellers that are authentic to the brand. We made different chapters of Ceres story and Buzzoole told about them to the community, while leaving the interpretation to its users. There are not any creative impositions, but only an open dialogue with social networks users: we with our TOV, users with theirs opinions.

You have been investing a lot in the content marketing business. How do you evaluate the effectiveness of the action? What indicators do you use to know that you are moving in the right direction?

We invest time. However, in the case of instant marketing, the available time it is not that important. Therefore, we invest in the right amount of time in the best possible way.
Currently, not only the Page engagement has to be monitored, but much more prominence should be given to the interactions. The community is important, not only likes of the Facebook Page.
We talk to everybody, about everything, about Ceres.

How do you choose the right topics/events that are, according to you, worth the effort to ‘make a wave’? How are you able to recognize the fine line between a brilliant idea and an “epic fail”?

The topic is chosen on basis of mentions on the social channels and the level of sophistication that the community, which is much more faster than us, gives to the discussions on the particular subject. You can avoid the fail when you use the right TOV on the right social network, just by inserting in the right way the communication about your product. There is no science, no lottery.
It is the simple awareness of our tone of voice and of what Ceres can and can not say, depending on the audience that we are talking to.

Out of curiosity: how many people do you have on your digital marketing team?

We have a wonderful marketing team, that is digital as well. In Ceres, we are 3 people in total. Additionally, there are the SMM team working in BCube, our communication agency, where usually the creativity of all post starts.

What surprised you most about working with us? Would you recommend Buzzoole to agencies and other brands that want to approach the world of social media marketing?

There are three essential elements of Buzzoole making it an excellent tool for any company that wants to launch a social campaign (with the bottom-up approach).

1. The speed of interactions with Buzzoole accounts about designing a campaign. This is crucial in both cases: if the final perspective is the instant marketing activity, and also if it is a long-term campaign.

2. The competence of those who work on the tool, that makes Buzzoole not only a platform for online buzz but also a consulting tool on differents levels. From the investment stage, through creative process, to the one of geo-targeted sponsorship.

3. The ease of use and retrieval of information, as well as data, necessary for subsequent marketing.

Simonluca Scravaglieri
Simonluca Scravaglieri

Download Ceres case study here and find out more details about the campaign and its results.
What do you think? What is your opinion about instant marketing? Let us know in a comment.


Marta is a Social Media Manager at Buzzoole s.r.l. where she is a company's voice on social and digital media channels. Get in touch with her at @Marta_Marcello

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