How to get to know your influencer audience with Buzzoole Discovery

Finding the right influencer to involve in a campaign can be a complex process with several steps to undertake. The first, of a more qualitative nature, is to find profiles capable of representing the values of the brand in an authentic way (brand affinity). It is also important to assess the integrity and performance of the identified influencer, and, to do so, much more quantitative parameters can be measured. Performance in terms of engagement, the influencer’s ability to capture the audience through reach and the impressions or composition of their audience.

Knowing the characteristics of the influencers’ audience is one of the most frequent requests of managers who are about to carry out an Influencer Marketing campaign. 

There are two main reasons: to verify that the profile is healthy and that those living in the target country make up a majority of the audience, to make sure you are speaking to the target audience. But there is an additional reason when a company wants to launch regional campaigns: finding out who the best influencers are in a specific city.

Buzzoole Discovery’s new Audience features

In order to meet these needs, there are now several software packages that can be used to identify influencers. However, Buzzoole Discovery stands out from the rest by providing a database of over two million profiles that can easily be analysed. Discovery acts as a real search engine to find new influencers in a short time, acting on dozens of filters: channels (profiles/pages on social media), nationality, topics covered, size of the community and different performance indicators, including all audience data

In particular, in the ‘Advanced’ section of the tool, it is possible to enter the place of origin (both country and city) of the follower base of the creator into the dedicated audience window. A feature was recently added that allows you to set a minimum percentage of the audience that Creators must have in that country or specific city.

For each creator and each social network they manage, there is a detailed fact sheet outlining their ability to engage audiences, the type of content they produce, the brands they have previously worked with and the demographics of their audience. For TikTok influencers, a feature that allows you to analyse the nationality, age, gender and interests of their followers has also been enabled.
The aim is to give marketers the most appropriate and granular information to facilitate and speed up their campaign planning decisions.

If you want to better understand how Buzzoole Discovery can help you find the best influencers, contact us.

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