Meet Our Rock Stars: The Golfer!

Team Buzzoole

Our rock stars are back, today we meet Nick. He works as Business Development Representative in our London office. In his spare time he loves to play golf with his friends and runs a rugby team, the Richmond Renegades. Nick recently beat 180 teams in a mini golf tournament to win a trip to New York! Luckily, we have an office there, so he could still work when he won’t be too busy winning mini golf tournaments 😉

Everyone in the office can have a laugh and joke at themselves.

Nick Catto, Business Development Representative

What’s your name and job title?

Nick Catto, I work as Business Development Representative in the Buzzoole London office.

What do you do in Buzzoole?

I work on the UK client sales team and lead generation with our Head of Client Sales Iman Ramani, sourcing appropriate brands and approaching them with our solutions for influencer campaigns.

What’s your favourite thing about Buzzoole?

The atmosphere: everyone in the office can have a laugh and joke at themselves. Egos are left at the door.

What would you say is the most valuable skill you have learned in your time here?

With no previous experience, learning about the importance and effectiveness of Influencer Marketing campaigns has been great. As more and more marketers have embraced this channel, it is definitely an experience that could be transferred to other roles in the future.

Any advice for people who want to work at Buzzoole?

Get in contact! If you are interested in joining Buzzoole or getting into the industry, drop us a line, a member of the team will be happy to have a coffee and chat.

If you had to describe Buzzoole in 3 words, what would they be?

Ambitious, Fun, Inspiring.




Who inspires you?

Ernie Els – South African Golfer. Oh, and my boss Iman Ramani, obviously 🙂

What’s your favourite Instagram account to follow?

@jameshaskEnglish Rugby Player, DJ and Health & Fitness author.

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