Meet Our Rock Star: The Yogini!

Please let us introduce this week rock star, Artemiz! Arty works as Senior Campaign Manager in our London office. Her background is in the music industry: she used to manage artists and now help to run events as a freelance. In her spare time she loves cooking and trying new restaurants. Yoga is her favourite exercise to unwind and realign herself: “Triyoga classes are amazing” she always says 🙂

Virtual influencers will be something to watch out for.

Artemiz, Senior Campaign Manager

What’s your name and job title?

My name is Artemiz and I’m a Senior Campaign Manager in the London office.

What do you do at Buzzoole?

I manage and run campaigns, help with ideas and strategies where applicable.. also bring snacks for the office 😉

What’s your favourite thing about Buzzoole?

The people! Our UK Campaign Management team is growing and we’re all so close to each other.

What would you say is the most valuable skill you have learned in your time at Buzzoole?

Communicative skills with clients to a much greater depth, as well as wider knowledge of adtech and Artificial Intelligence.

Where will you be vacationing this summer? 

I recently came back from Ibiza & Formentera which was lovely. Looking at some destinations for September, but haven’t found anything yet!

What do you think will be the next big thing in the Influencer Marketing space? 

I definitely think virtual influencers will be something to watch out for, especially when trying to engage the younger generation.

Who inspires you?

Daisaku Ikeda, he is a Buddhist philosopher, educator, author and international peacemaker.

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