Meet Our Rock Star: The Baker!

Another week, another rockstar… Today we meet Ysabel, Community Manager in our New York office. She’s a foodie who loves to travel and take photos. When she has some time off, she loves to bake cakes, but apparently she rarely take them to the office 🙂

Let’s get to know a bit more about her.

Buzzoole in three words? Crazy Italian Family!

Ysabel Ortiz, Community Manager

What’s your name and job title?

My name is Ysabel and I am the Community Manager in the New York office.

What do you do in Buzzoole?

I onboard influencers onto our platform, assisting them through the entire campaign process, and I also manage campaigns in the US.

What’s your favourite thing about Buzzoole?

Definitely the people you meet – clients, influencers or the Buzzoole team – everyone’s a character!

What would you say is the most valuable skill you have learned in your role/time here?

Communication is key when dealing with clients and influencers and I’ve learned to take it one day at a time to maintain any stress.

If you had to describe Buzzoole in 3 words, what would they be?

Crazy Italian Family.

Who inspires you?

Might be cliché, but definitely my parents.

Any advice for people who want to work at Buzzoole?

Be up to date on the influencer space, keep an open mind and don’t be afraid to use connections! 🙂

What’s your favourite Instagram account to follow?

I love Travel and Leisure, Tess Christine for some fashion inspirations and foodintheair.

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