Whether you are already savvy enough to master it at the best, or you keep thinking of it as a TV shows-related practice which, like a star, rises and dies too shortly bringing no-one-knows what benefits, this is the blogpost you should read to make up your mind about live tweeting once and for all.
Available on Buzzoole platform as of today, Live Tweeting is a great opportunity for brands. On this occasion, we thought to take stock and share with you data and stats about this incredible marketing action.
1. What’s LiveTweeting?
LiveTweeting is posting comments on Twitter while an event is taking place. It is basically nothing new under the sun. Nevertheless, not everyone gets the point about how different the approach of users and brands is when it comes to it. Brands and users think of it differently. What’s live-tweeting for users? Something fun, even better if rewarded. Users engage in conversations about something they are passionate about or they are experiencing right away, and – with lots of fulfillment – they enjoy expressing their opinion about. These experiences might be a sport event, a concert, a talkshow or whatever performance catching the audience’s attention. Conversely, what’s live tweeting for brands? A unique, unmissable opportunity to get exposure, higher new followers rate, and feedback from (potential) customers.
2. Drilling down some data
Despite the different way to consider it, having a look at the data about it, everyone benefits from live-tweeting. All the actors involved get something in return, being brands, users, or events themselves.
According to Twitter stats, shows which live tweet see their new followers rate increase from 15% to 7.5x. In particular, brands which live tweet – whether they organized the event or are only exploiting the dedicated hashtag – might find their community increased by 30%, accordingly to their involvement in the event. Lastly, users who live tweet see their accounts jump from 12.2 x to 228%.
This is particularly relevant concerning shows which air live on TV. A study made by Nielsen on live tweeting versus sharing and engagement claims that 75% of Brits use a second device while watching TV. This is very likely to be a mobile phone. In addition, TV-related tweets impressions showed that live tweeting accounted for 57% of the weekly Twitter TV impressions. In few words, people are likely to engage in live events via a double dimension: in presence (or watching live airing on TV or at the computer etc), and through a “second screen”.
In addition, authors (people live tweeting) engage more in responding (65%) than in mentioning brands (35%). This points out the fact that one single mention can generate ripple effect. Having few people to start livetweeting can lead to greater exposure through wider audience. Overall, Live Tweeting is proved to bring benefits to each actor involved, especially brands. It increases: brand awareness, brand exposure, engagement and new followers rate.
3. Did Buzzoole help brands to prove their being amazing via Live Tweeting?
We can proudly say yes! Just to mention a few, best February Twitter campaigns saw Ceres and Ford at the top of the list according to Blogmeter.

Live Tweeting via Buzzoole helped both brands to make the most of their campaigns. Ceres engaged in the most famous Italian music festival (Sanremo). After the 5 days long show, Ceresincreased its community tri-fold (compared with the previous week), reached 5% CTR (Click through rate which calculates interaction), and had 35K mentions (internal data)! According to Blogmeter the economic value of their marketing action is about 36 K euro.
Whereas Ford, engaging in one of the most popular TV shows ( MasterChef Italy) via Buzzoole, showed up in Twitter Trending Topics for nine times (Buzzoole data), basically every time MasterChef was airing live. The brand through its hashtag #FordSocialR reached 7.6 Million impressions, whose 2.5 K unique authors, for an economic value of about 29 K euro (Blogmeter data)!
Id est, two different occasions which proved that live-tweeting was definitely worth the effort.
4. How can Buzzoole help brands with Live Tweeting?
As many already know, our user-friendly platform allows to connect influencers to brands. If you go to Buzzoole for the first time, you might want to log in (for free!) and create your campaign. Of course you can get an estimation of your campaign performance on the way. While you set up your campaign, the platform will inform you of the potential outcomes; you’ll be aware of the estimated reach, the number of unique users and tweets provided by Buzzoole users, the chance you’ll have to have your hashtag within Twitter trending topics. In addition, along the campaign, you’ll have real-time data and reports which will let you know how your campaign is performing.
5. You haven’t made up your mind yet?
Have a look at our infographic on Live Tweeting!