Influencer Interviews: meet Fashion & Lifestyle blogger Sian Thomas

Meet Sian Thomas, a popular fashion and lifestyle blogger with two fantastic sites and a great social media presence across Instagram, Twitter and more. We’ve got together with Sian to ask her some questions about her fascinating life and work, as well as what is it like to be on Buzzoole’s platform! After all… what is it really like to be a blogger?

So, tell us about yourself
Hi! My name is Sian Thomas, I run Rebel Angel which is a personal style and lifestyle blog, as well as Big Cup Little Cup, a lingerie blog. I work in Digital Marketing in a tiny city in North Yorkshire during the day time and in the evenings I blog, sew, read and run a local girlguiding Brownie pack. My blog most consists of my outfits, what I’m reading, what I’m making and what I’m doing everyday like yoga – basically lots of stories from my life!

What are your secrets to success and how did you turn your passion into a real job?
My biggest secret is probably learning how not to lose motivation. I’ve been blogging for 7 years now and find that you go through ebbs of motivation so it’s a case of working through these and coming out the other side still loving the content you’re pushing out. One thing to note is that I didn’t even realise I could use my blog and influence as a platform on which I could work with companies when I started blogging – so it’s all natural!

What is the most common misconception about what you do?
People tend to think that blogging is really easy and only takes a few minutes of your day, whereas in reality, there’s a lot of hard graft behind the scenes: working on blog maintenance and upkeep, replying to emails, scheduling social media, getting pretty photographs. But it’s all worth it when you love doing it! People tend to think that blogging is easy but there’s a lot of hard graft behind the scenes. [Tweet “People think that blogging is easy but there’s a lot of hard graft behind the scenes @RebelAngelBlog”]

How has your experience been using the Buzzoole platform?
I’ve loved using Buzzoole! The process is really simple:  you sign up, sync up your various social media and blog accounts, then sit back and wait for the campaigns to come through. I’ve had a range of different campaigns offered to me over the past year, from Twitter posts to creating videos for Instagram and blogs posts, and all of them come with a very detailed brief to make sure you know exactly what you’re doing.

What has been your favourite campaign so far & who would be your dream brand to collaborate with?
My favourite campaign so far has been with Magnum, I got to create a video putting my favourite toppings onto a Magnum bar. Not only was it fun to do, as I created the video in a way I hadn’t done before, but you also got to eat it at the end!
My dream brand to collaborate with would probably be one of my favourite high street retailers like ASOS or Zara. I wear so much from them already and fashion content is my favourite to create.

What do you think is the secret to being an Influencer?
Being fun, fresh and charismatic, no one can fail to love your content if you come across naturally and bring new ideas to your readers.

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