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Sochi Social

While many of the voices surrounding the Sochi 2014 Winter Games aren't all fans, we can't deny that there is…

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  • Social Media

Wake up and smell the hashtag

If you're the kind of social media addicted who just can't wait for throwback Thursday or better known as #tbt…

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  • Social Media

The Social Media Popularity Contest

Social media accounts are a new form of currency and both influencers and enterprises want as many followers as possible…

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  • Social Media
  • Social Media

Birthday Madness

If you don't know that yesterday was Facebook's 10th birthday you must live under a rock. The web was buzzing…

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  • Social Media

No money? No worries! Pay with social media!

Like the rest of the world, technology has changed how we view money. Social media is at the forefront of…

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  • Influencer Marketing

Super Bowl, Super Influence

Every year after Christmas ends, millions of Americans look forward to the next big self-proclaimed holiday Super Bowl Sunday. Americans compare…

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5 techniques to optimize influencer marketing

Marketing experts are turning to the online influencers to launch, boost and spread word-of-mouth about their products and services. Influencer…

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  • Social Media

5 Techniques to enhance e-commerce sales

While we love checking in on our friends on social media, today it's used for a lot more than that.…

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Top 5 reasons Snapchat rules

When you talk about Snapchat minds tend to go in the gutter, but regardless of how this Los Angeles based…

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  • Influencer Marketing

Influencers choose Bitstrips as influence channel

It might seem like we've waken up and the entire world is all of the sudden in cartoon version, but…