• blogger
  • Influencers

What is the right length for a blog post?

How long should a blog post be? This is it, the million dollar question that all bloggers and SEO experts…

  • Business
  • Buzzoole

Buzzoole: 2016 in review and new trends for 2017 [Infographic]

2016 has been an intensive year for Buzzoole, and 2017 is set to be even more so. The number of…

  • Business
  • Social Media Trends

2017: The Revolutionary Road between Technology & Influencers

Influencer marketing stared every business in the face in 2016. Companies facing a need for better word of mouth outreach,…

  • Business

Influencer Marketing Benefits for the Home Decor Industry

Home decor businesses love to piggyback on the busiest time of the year - the festive season. It's the time…

  • Business

How Can SaaS Startups Grow With The Help Of Influencers

According to IDC, 27.8 percent of the global enterprise apps market will be SaaS-penetrated by 2018, accounting for $50.8 billion…

  • Case Study

The Importance of Influencer Marketing in the 2016 American Election

Clinton was the more qualified candidate, therefore if experience and qualifications do not get a person the job of president,…

  • Big Data

Why is Big Data essential for Influencer Marketing?

Big data, the gold rush of the 21st century. It's now woven into every section of the global economy. Businesses…

  • Business

Is Influencer Marketing Beneficial For Celebrities?

Celebrity advice is a powerful incentive for consumers to act. That's because the former serves as an arbiter of public…

  • Business

Differentiating the Approach When Involving Influencers on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook & YouTube

During a recent client briefing, I spoke of the different approaches one should take when working with influencers on Twitter,…

  • Business

Influencer Marketing & the Healthcare Industry

Who do people turn to when they're seeking an opinion/advice on a business or its offerings? Influencers and peers (friends,…