From internet VIP to reality star…find success through your online activity

Today the internet is filled with influencers who might not realize their value. Every post on Facebook, twitter, YouTube and various other social media channels stretches to your circle of friends which fuels word of mouth and eventually can become big enough for a buzz marketing campaign.

There are all levels of influencers, those who post monthly, weekly and then the masters of online influence. One such example is Frank Matano, who started his career on YouTube making his friends laugh at random pranks he’d video tape. Through word of mouth, Matano gained a following and eventually his online success translated into real world success. Today the YouTube VIP is all over the internet, TV and now even films with millions of fans following his online presence. His current film, Fuga di Cervelli recently came to the cinema.


Matano second from the top

Every person has the same ability as Matano, just by creating an online presence and branding themselves. Businesses need these influencers to gain clients, which is why one day influence will be an alternative form of payment, according to Buzzoole.


Through these influencers marketing campaigns gain a sense of humanity and reach audiences that PR agencies could never reach on their own. With dedication like Matano’s and some creativity an individual can gain a fan-base and from there, the opportunities are limitless. From Facebook to twitter to YouTube to the world. We have the most power today and all we have to do is get a grasp on it and put it to good use.Every person has the same ability as Matano, just by creating an online presence and branding themselves. Businesses need these influencers to gain clients, which is why one day influence will be an alternative form of payment, according to Buzzoole.



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